Registration for Session 3- SAC Program Assisting DDS in IV Sedation Program

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Please only register for this product if you are taking this course with your dentist during their Session 3 of their IV Sedation Program.

Course Outline

The Sedation Assistant Certification Course is designed to prepare dental assistants to be key team members in the delivery of sedation dentistry. This technology-integrated course involves both an electronic classroom and in-person learning. Interactive lectures and hands-on simulation complement the three-week at home study components of this course. Pre-study includes theoretical review, video lectures, and multiple choice quizzes. One day onsite components include the mechanics of sedation, monitoring and record keeping, risk management and preparing for emergencies, and medical emergency simulation scenarios.
Upon successful completion of hands-on skills assessments, and a final written multiple choice exam, participants will be granted a Dental Assistant Sedation Program completion certificate.
Course participants must hold current CPR certification and current registration with their respective regulatory body. Proof of certification and registration is required upon registration. Course speakers are selected from the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry.


3 WEEK STUDY PRIOR TO ON-SITE ATTENDANCE- Approx 30 hours study time

• Introduction to Pain and Anxiety In dentistry
• Spectrum of Pain and Anxiety Control
• Modes of Sedation
• Mechanics of Sedation
• Monitoring and Record Keeping
• Complications and Emergency Response
• 8 video lectures from the American Dental Society of Anesthesiology & multiple choice quizzes
• Resources regarding ADA&C Sedation Guidelines
• Written Quiz (multiple choice)


• Lecture overview of home study components
• Break Out Sessions
• Workshop A: Mechanics of Sedation: equipment overview of N2O2/O2 and IV
• Workshop B: Monitoring and Record Keeping: BP, HR, RR, O2Sat, Pre/Peri/Post Assessment and Records
• Workshop C: Risk Management and Preparing for Emergencies: Emergency kit
• Workshop D: Emergency Response: Assisting with airway management, BVM, OPAs, iGels

• Lecture Summary Review + Sedation Assistant training with 21 patients 

The course utilizes the learning management system eClass, through the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry.  An email with the participant’s username and password will be provided with access instructions. Learning modules, videos and quizzes will be incorporated throughout the electronic learning classroom.

This is a hybrid program with online based theory and lectures with pre-study required, followed by 6 days in clinic assisting your DDS.