Location: Robbins Learning Centre Theatre (RLC) Royal Alexandra Hospital
Registration is mandatory to ensure enough catering is ordered for the event
This is a wonderful opportunity to showcase the work you have undertaken to improve the quality of the care we deliver.
Everyone is eager to learn more of all the QI work that is being undertaken. Work can be submitted that is at any stage of the QI process. This can be a proposal, First cycle results, or a completed project.
Presentations will be 6-8 min with some time for questions. We are happy to help you with your abstracts if required and provide any advice you may require for the presentations.
A quality improvement (QI) project is a process that seeks to improve patient care and outcomes through a systematic process of care against explicit criteria set out at the beginning of the project, subsequent measuring of the initial findings, and review of any changes as a result of the quality initiative. Where indicated, changes are implemented at an individual, team, or service level and further monitoring is used to confirm improvement in healthcare delivery. (Adapted: New Principles of Best Practice in Clinical Audit, Edited by Robin Burgess. Published by Radcliffe Publishing, Oxford, 2nd edition, 2011. ISBN: 978-1-84619-221-0)
Lunch will be provided