Peter Svarich. William Kostash, trans.
Edmonton: Ukrainian Pioneers' Association of Alberta and Huculak Chair for Ukrainian Culture and Ethnography, 2006
This continuation of the Peter Svarich Memoirs is of a much more fragmentary nature than the first part (1877-1904). Its Ukrainian typed manuscript consisted of 74 pages, ending abruptly in 1922 with the description of war damages in the interior of Belgium. Therefore, a brief autobiography is added as an appendix for the reader to go through the Svarich experience, parts of which are not available in the Memoirs; in addition, there is a second appendix B containing a speech presented by Svarich on November 25, 1952 also provides a useful picture of his community interests. The Memoirs II manuscript seems to have been typed by a mysterious typist-editor with the cryptonym "O.R."
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